About steve & byic

broadcast your inner champion

From homeless and broke, Steve unlocked a life coaching system that helps his clients overcome fear, anxiety and lack of support. Going from Host of BET Tonight and his own Disney talk show pilot to living in a shelter with roaches falling from the ceiling, life could have felt over and done, as bad turned to worse, and purpose turned to pain.

What brought Steve back? And what can you expect to gain from his story of rags to riches to rags and back again?

Establish relationships that fulfill you. Find a career that does the same. Achieve your goals. Experience mind-blowing transformations in your thinking that empower you to finally conquer your challenges. Truly experience the life with purpose that you were meant to live.

Steve springs his clients forward on their journey to success with two important questions: "Who are you, and to whom do you belong?"

Find out how Steve breaks down the answers to these simple questions that cause life-changing breakthroughs for his clients. We're all facing challenges alone, when we could be conquering them together. Let's leap the hurdles you face in a powerful and unique way.

Steve is an author and thought leader who hosted BET Tonight, a round-table discussion with personalities in entertainment and politics. Steve has been featured on 60 Minutes, BET Tonight, Huffington Post, Ebony Man Magazine, City Journal, and many other media outlets, and hosted his own Disney-produced talk show pilot, The Berlack Project.

Steve is a Fulbright Scholar with a Master's in Education from Morgan State University and a B.A. in History from The City College of New York.